CMEM: Metallurgical Center of
Mechanical tests
CMEM, the Metallurgical Centre for Mechanical Testing, is a private center created since 2011 and certified ISO 9001 – 2008 version, has full machine shop capability for the characterisation of materials and welded joints. Our objective is to ensure the quality of our services to our diverse clients through an experienced and highly competent staff, and an equipment that meets the requirements of international standards.

Discover our missions

The CMEM machine shop includes a waterjet cutting machine capable of performing very accurate and clean cuts.
Waterjet cutting is a is a simple and reliable technique capable of cutting a wide variety of materials using a very high-pressure jet of water, or a mixture of water and an abrasive substance.

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Mechanical tests aim to characterise the behaviour of materials. They provide very accurate information on the behaviour of the part or specimen under stress, and quantify its deformation in a very precise way.

Approved by the State, CMEM offers intra- and inter-company training courses customized and tailored to the specific needs of businesses and technical inspection services.